Cead mile failte - "One hundred thousand welcomes"
Thank you for being a sponsor of the ALEES Christmas LE Family Adoptions during the holidays. With your partnership we are able to assist our brothers and sisters in Blue when in need.
Thank you to our ALEES Members for their generous support of their Brothers and Sisters in Blue during the Holiday Season. We couldn't help them without your gifts and donations!
Thank you to Dave and his Staff for being a sponsor of the ALEES Christmas LE Family Adoptions during the holidays. With your partnership we are able to assist our Brothers and Sisters in Blue!
Thank you to Andrew and the staff for their continued support at our St Patrick's Day Fundraiser - our biggest event and Sponsor- and other fundraisers ALEES holds throughtout the year.
Thank you to Dave and the Staff at Finn's for continually supporting ALEES through fundraising events, sponsorship and and always welcoming us in.
Thank you to Cody and his Staff for taking care of us and supporting ALEES throughout the years!
Huge thank you to John and the staff at The Dub for making us feel at home and always supporting ALEES
Huge thank you to Yellow Spruce Roasters for the "Desert Garda Blend" made specifically for ALEES. For each bag of the "D.G." blend,
$2 is donated to ALEES.
Huge thank you to Julie and K9 Therapy and Service Dog -longstanding supporters of all ALEES events and members.
The Irish Gift House
Visit this ONLINE store for your Irish items! Thank you for being faithful partners with ALEES!
The Arizona Colleen Program began as the Arizona Colleen Pageant, a heritage pageant, in 1983. It is open to single women of Irish ancestry ages of 18 through 28 years old. The winner serves as "Queen" of the Phoenix St. Patrick's Day Parade and Faire.
In 2008, programs were added for younger ladies of Irish descent. The Little Miss Shamrock program selects two 6-12 year olds, and the Arizona Outstanding Irish Teen program, retitled the Arizona Irish Lass program in 2010 selects one-two 13-17 year olds.
For always providing their beautiful Celtic music during our events and memorials
Our Brothers and sisters in RED. Our sister Emerald Society for firefighters.