Cead mile failte - "One hundred thousand welcomes"
President: Erin Ring, Ret. Phoenix PD
Vice President: Kimberly Wyatt, Ret. Officer Phoenix PD
Treasurer: Kendra Griffee, Phoenix PD
Secretary: Dennis Sullivan, Ret. Officer Long Beach CA PD
Sgt. at Arms: Joel Ring, Ret. Officer Phoenix PD
Historian: Frank O'Halloran, Ret. Officer Scottsdale PD
President - Robert Kearns with Jersey City Emerald Society
First Vice President - Sean McCarthy with Emerald Society of the Boston Police
Second Vice President -
Andy Hale with Emerald Society of Missouri
Third Vice President -
Joseph Smith with Greater Pittsburgh Police Emerald Society
Executive Director -
Michael Pitcher with Police Emerald Society of Nassau County
Treasurer - John Rowley with Emerald Society of NJ Essex County
Financial Secretary -
Mark Matthews with Metro Atlanta Police Emerald Society
Recording Secretary - Cynthia Schultz with Jersey City Police Emerald Society
Sgt At Arms - Brian Burke with San Francisco Bay Area Law Enforcement Emerald Society